Submissions of both articles and source code are acceptable. Information on big, old demos is not nearly as nice as short, quick little tricks. I think looking at this issue and previous issues will provide all the example that is needed. Source code and articles submited should be in different archives. This is because the will be in different directories on the disk. Please refer to the sections on articles and source code for more information. ------> Articles <------ All articles submited to The Source must be in Amiga Guide format. In addition to that, all articles must meet the following standards: 1. All articles must be in English. 2. Articles may not reference files out of their own directory. 3. Articles that need to display iff pictures must use the tool 'display' to do so. 4. Articles may not play sound (Yet). 5. Articles may not contain information about illegal activities (esp. pirating). In general, articles that detail methods that are not system nice (i.e. break under 2.0, break on accelerators, etc) will not be accepted, but this is not a strict rule: exceptions will be made. ------> Code <------ Pretty much all source code is welcome. There are a few things that you can do when sending us code that will make our lives a lot easier. First of all, please do not send in source will lots of large binary files. It's not really necessary to spread the mod from a demo with the code to it. :) Also, please, please, please comment your code. Commenting every line isn't really necessary, I think most people can figure "move.l #MyCopper,$dff080" out, but commenting the key parts is a must. Without at least that, the code really doesn't do anyone very much good! :) It is also preferable if code is concious of at least a few system compatability issues. The VBR and the cache are among the most important. A very complete list of compatablity issues is covered in the "HowToCode" section by Comrade J. Read it! :)